Lupus Awareness Month Media Feature

By raising our voices together, we hope to create a better world for those living with lupus. With the help of folks like Ms. Roberts and the article featured on we are able to put a spotlight on this debilitating disease.

During Lupus Awareness Month, Lupus Canada is working tirelessly to raise awareness of lupus, advocate for those impacted by this debilitating disease, support researchers in their quest to find a cure, and to help those with lupus live well and have equitable access to a diversity of treatments until one day a cure is found.

We are excited to share that the following article has also been published on the following sites: National Post, Edmonton Journal, Ottawa Citizen, Regina Leader-Post, London Free Press, Calgary Herald, Winnipeg Sun, Vancouver Sun, The Star Phoenix, Montreal Gazette, Calgary Sun, Edmonton Sun and Canoe, creating the much needed awareness for lupus.

Lupus Blog Articles: Lupus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet est requiem deste natur.

Let’s Talk Lupus: Conversations with Macenzie| Isabella C.


The Annual General Meeting of Lupus Canada


Let’s Talk Lupus with Macenzie| Tanya M.
