The Canadian Immunocompromised Advocacy Network (CIAN) – Advocating for immunocompromised people across Canada

February 14, 2024 – “In the spring of 2022, even as COVID-19 restrictions were being lifted across the country (and the world), there was still a great deal of concern from immunocompromised patients about how they navigate the ‘post-pandemic world’. In response to this need, a patient action group comprised of nine organizations convened to discuss issues facing immunocompromised Canadians. This initial group evolved to become the Canadian Immunocompromised Advocacy Network (CIAN), which now has 11 patient groups and 4 individuals with lived experience.”

Please visit The Canadian Immunocompromised Advocacy Network (CIAN) – advocating for immunocompromised people across Canada – Everything Zoomer to read the full article.

Lupus Blog Articles: Lupus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet est requiem deste natur.

Let’s Talk Lupus: Conversations with Macenzie| Isabella C.


The Annual General Meeting of Lupus Canada


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